This week was really good.
We were able to see Granny and help her out by cleaning some
horse stalls.. We had gloves on this time so that was a big difference.. Our
hands didn't smell like horse urine for like 4 days.. hahah We talked about
living in the world but not of the world with her because she wanted to show us
that native american poem that talked about 2 Worlds. One of spirit, one of
physical. It was interesting.
We had interviews with President Cutler on Thursday. This
was our last interview with President Cutler as were getting a new Mission
President at the end of next transfer. He told us about President Williams and
how we would all like him and he will do this mission lots of good, and
then went on to say that were stuck with him for the next 6 weeks however..
haha Its always great to have interviews. After Interviews we did some work in
Two Rivers to help find people. We knocked on this door, an older guy came to
the door and said he didn't have much time to help out with the survey we were
doing, so as we were saying goodbye, I had noticed that he had a Korean war
veteran sticker on his car, so I asked him if he had served, and thanked him
for his service. He thanked me for thanking him and started talking about his
life.. Before, during and after the war. It was quite interesting actually. He
talked about how after the war he got really into sports and he went on to do
some really great things! He invited us in to see all of his trophies. He had
hundreds, maybe even thousands of Trophies, Ribbons, and pins for sports such
as Curling, Horse Racing, Golf and any sport you can think of he said. He had
gone to the Olympics for curling and horse racing, or something of the sort..
It was pretty awesome! We shared with him the First Vision and he thought it
was pretty interesting so he told us we could come back and share more with him
at a later date. It's pretty funny/cool how he went from having no time, to
entertaining us for about an hour and a half, off of one comment about him
serving in Korea. His name is Mikey.
Saturday was my Birthday, I'm 20 now, which is pretty cool I guess.. hahah no longer a "teenager" :P We started out the day by
playing basketball and ultimate frisbee with some of the members. That was fun,
later in the day we had a dinner appointment with the Guest family. They were a
little upset that didn't tell them before hand that it was my birthday. They
emphasized that we are family and we should of told them! So they're actually
having us over again tonight to have cake and ice cream.. hahah They're super
nice. We had a lesson with Chris and Cheyenne in the Walker's home. Chris is a
Non member son of the Walkers and Cheyenne is his girlfriend. We started teaching
them the lessons. At the moment, they're kind of being forced to take the
lessons by their mother, but Cheyenne shows some interest.. They came to church
on Sunday. I think they enjoyed it. Anyways, the lesson went super good, We
taught the Plan of Salvation and some of the Walkers, less active kids were
there and participating. It went well. After the lesson they gave me a cake to
take home as well because they found out it was my birthday.. ahah Super nice.
Sister Reichwaldt gave me some cookies (best cookies
ever), some special chocolate milk and some fancy colorful socks. I got a
letter from Merlin in Beaver Dam with a nice pen in it, and I also got a
package from my parents which was awesome. Overall it was a great birthday! So
thanks to everyone.
McKay and John |
Sunday, we had a Potluck after church and we were able to
see Vince and John. With all the stuff that has been going on with John, he is
going to be moving down with his brother in Iowa. I'ts pretty sad that we won't
be able to teach him anymore.. He agreed to letting the missionaries come by
down in Iowa. He'll continue to take the lessons and I know he'll eventually be
baptized.. It sucks it won't be here and now though.. Vince is doing pretty
good. He had a friend over during our visit and we taught the Restoration to
her. It was a really good refresher for Vince and they both had a lot of
questions. It was overall really good for both of them.
Anyways it was a good week! Hope you all have a good one, I
love and Miss you all!
Elder Stevens
Pic is of John and I.