Monday was Memorial Day. We were jumping from BBQ to BBQ, our whole day was full, it was pretty great.
We went to the Monitowoc Parade in the morning, it was pretty neat, then we went to a BBQ with Jasmine and her family. We ate, played Frisbee, Kickball, Volleyball and what not, it was so cool. We then went to a BBQ with a recent convert and her non member husband, Ruby and Jack. They're so awesome. They have us over to eat every Friday, Jack used to be totally stand offish towards the missionaries because he's not the most interested, but Elder LaRose and Lewis were just super down to earth with him so he's come a long way, and he's coming around now. Were just normal people around them. Monday was really awesome though.
Tuesday was our Pday last week. In the morning, Jack took us Golfing. I was a little rough around the edges but it was super fun.. haha
Wednesday we had District Meeting, we were supposed to have dinner at Pizza Ranch but the member didn't show up.. and in the evening we took over for the sisters and lead the Family History Center night. No one showed up to do Family History.. but this one lady came in and said she was there to meet with the Pastor. She had called earlier and was there to meet with the bishop. We led her to the Bishop's office and she met with him there. After their meeting the bishop had us come meet her and Elder LaRose asked if she was a member, she replied "no, but I'd like to be.." Pretty awesome. We have an appointment with her today at 1. Hopefully she's solid!! Pretty cool Miracle though..
Thursday we went out to Hong Kong Buffet (My favorite restaurant back home..) with the Leslies. We visited some Hmong and English people and had a lesson with Jasmine, getting her ready for her Baptism on Saturday. After Jasmine we have a sports night every Thursday for members and investigators to come and have some fun and fellowship. That was super fun.
Friday we visited a ton on Hmong people. We got in with this guy Paj Xiong, he let us in, sat us down and just started talking to us for like an Hour and a half. I had noo idea what in the world he was talking about.. occasionally he would use an English word.. like Engine or Minnesota or Cashier.. so I was like ohh, we must be talking about this subject.. but then no, he's onto something else.. hahah I didn't think he was interested at all because you could tell Elder LaRose was trying to talk so he could teach him about the Restoration but he wasn't letting him have any room to talk.. So after the longest hour and a half of my life, just sitting there listening to some guy speak in this weird sounding Asain language for what seemed like forever, we finally got up and left. I thought the guy wasn't interested at all, because he had just talked to us for and hour and a half and didn't let Elder LaRose talk hardly at all.. But when we got out to the car, E. LaRose was just expressing how Awesome that was.. Because apparently, he was expressing and opening up his heart and talking about his whole life and how he wants purpose and direction and how he knows the message we have to share will help him.. He also apologized for him talking to us for a long time and how next time he will let us talk. So, I just thought it was pretty funny that it actually turned out to be really good! Instead of bad like I thought.. hahah
Saturday was Jasmine's Baptism! It was super awesome! Elder Lewis came up from his area to Baptize her. She was soo happy to be baptized and said she felt soo good and clean afterwards. Sunday she got confirmed and said she still hadn't made a mistake! hahah
Anyways, It was a really good week! Hope this letter made sense.. I love and Miss you all!
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