This week was pretty interesting.
On Monday we went to the Brewers Stadium like I mentioned last week, it was a super fun day. I'll have some pics at the bottom for you guys.
Tuesday we went on exchanges with the zone leaders. I stayed in Milwaukee and was with Elder Steenblik. We had some success tracting in the hood and had a really nice dinner with Bishop Chaplin at Sobelmans. Soblemans is only in Milwaukee and it is sooo good..
Wednesday we had to finish the exchange early because we had to put our car in the shop. We got the car from the MKE sisters who got double out of their area, and when they gave it to us (at the beginning of the transfer) it was all wrecked because they had a little fender bender a few days before. So we finally took it into the shop and we were car-less for most of this week. We bought buss passes and it was super fun experiencing the buss life of missionary work.
By Thursday we had obtained bikes from some members, so we were able to buss/bike around everywhere. We had 5 appointments on Thursday, so the whole day was literally bike to a bus stop, catch the bus, bus to the appointment, bike the rest of the way, have the appointment, bike to the bus, catch another bus, bike to the other appointment. It was a workout! But miraculously we made it work and had some really great lessons.
Friday was basically the same, we did service at the Widmans and had a really good lesson with Janice Williams who is making really good progress towards baptism. The only thing holding her back is not being married and living with her boyfriend. There is talk of marriage, so we'll see how that goes. We finished off the day by helping out Sister Jensen with some day care art. The sisters had been helping out before, but since they've been gone, we were finally able to make it over and help her. It was fun.
Saturday, we actually worked out a way to borrow a car, until ours gets out of the shop, so around 6 in the evening, the A.Ps picked us up and gave us a truck to use. We saw Rozz that day and made some great progress with her.
Sunday we had Correlation meeting with the bishopric, (something the stake is really trying to enforce. That went well. We saw the Tracers, who we take the sacrament to every week. This week she actually taught us how to crochet, which is actually super hard! But we got the hang of it.. We ended off the day with having a dinner with the Germann family, in their super nice home. It was an amazing dinner to end our fast to.
Anyways, this week went super fast and we were super super busy every day! This upcoming week should look the same! Have a great week!
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