Monday was a normal Pday, I got a fresh cut from a Barber in town. I might add that this was a classic hick barber joint.. like the ones you see in the Andy Griffith show. It was awesome.. Later that night we were tracting and knocked into this lady named Jenny. We stepped in and taught Jenny and her 3 kids the Restoration in the entry way. They were super awesome! We set up an appointment for later that week, but it fell through because her Mother in Law went into surgery.. She called us though to let us know she wouldn't be there though! Which never happens.. so were excited to stop by and try to get back in with that awesome young family.
Tuesday was a long day of tracting, park contacting and visiting less actives in the country. It went well though, we were able to stop by and talk to some potentials we hadn't seen in a while and establish contact with them. It was good. In the Evening we went to Dustys Uke class again. That was fun, we were able to talk with more people from the community in a non threatening environment. It was fun. At the end of the day we decided to stop by Joseph Ivie and his girlfriend Jill. We stopped in at just the right time and we were able to talk with them for a while and then set up a time to teach them on Wednesday! Super exciting.
Thursday we were able to see Sherry with Brother DePaul. The lesson went well, we went over receiving revelation for General Conference and focused it on her finding her answer about if the Priesthood had been restored. She came to conference on Sunday so hopefully she got her answer!! All of our lessons the rest of the day feel through so we spent more time tracting and weekly planning!
Friday we had a lesson fall through in the morning and then we were able to go mow Sister Bizeau's lawn. It was nice getting out of Pros Clothes and doing some work with our hands.. Even though mowing isn't that tough. It was just a good change of pace. After having a lesson with Sister Kirchner, we spent the rest of the day visiting potentials and finding people.
Saturday, before General Conference we made our rounds to a bunch of people inviting them to watch general conference. The conference was really good! We missed the First two talks of the first session because we were tinkering around with the satellite trying to get better reception.. We had a nice ice cream social before the Priesthood session and then made it back home almost fell right asleep being spiritually exhausted.
Sunday we had Sherry at church with us watching the conference and then between the morning and afternoon session, the branch had a potluck. We had some less actives and an investigator there so the potluck was great for fellowshipping all of them! We finished off the day seeing Josh and then stopping in to see Captain Jim Jacobson. Hes sooo funny.. we love going over to Brother Jacobsons..
The week was really good! We weren't able to see the Gentz or Cindy this week but we have plans to see the Gentz tonight, we stopped by this week and they've all gotten over their illnesses! And we have an appointment with Cindy tomorrow! Good things are going on!
I miss and Love you all!
Elder Stevens
Some pic I took a few weeks ago.
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