Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Transfer 10 Week 3

Pretty good week, we started it off by having an appointment on Monday with a kid named Austin. I say kid but he's actually our age.. 19. So yea.. a kid. But we were assigned as his home teachers because the branch felt like the missionaries could fellowship him the best to get him to come to church. That appointment went really well. 

Tuesday we went to Manitowoc for District meeting. After DTM E. Amann and I did work in Two Rivers and we were able to talk to a lot of really nice people. The weather was so nice that we were able to just contact people on the street all day instead of knocking doors. 

Wednesday we had a full day planned with lots of appointments. We had a wonderful breakfast in the morning with the Abendroths, we came back to the apartment and studied and we basically had every appointment fall through... we had a great dinner with the Darnells, I think I'm really going to come to enjoy that family. So it was a great day but it kinda stunk because all of our plans dropped.

Thursday we helped out with "Granny" again. We shoveled and cleaned horse stalls for her which made our hands smell like horse urine for what seemed like days.. but that was fun and we were able to have a really good lesson with her about daily scripture study. She said she knows that everything/anything we say comes from God. So hopefully we'll see some good progress with her!

We had our appointment with Katelyn drop later that day but we were able to see Vince and have a good discussion with him. He's gone from smoking every 4 hours to every 12 hours now so that's great!

Friday we were able to stop in and see Brad before we helped out at the care center. We explained why the Book of Mormon and Restoration is important and he promised to read and pray about its truthfulness.

Saturday we had correlation with Brother Jensen and he took us out to lunch afterwards. We were able to contact a really awesome former investigator named Deb that was super excited to see us and start meeting with us again. In the evening we had a lesson with John. We read more out of the Book of Mormon with him and shared Spiritual CPR with him. If you do CPR (Church, Pray, Read) It'll keep you spiritually alive. We had to drop his baptismal date of the 26th because he wouldn't be able to make it in time but were still shooting for baptism with him.. of course haha

Sunday we had 2/2 of our appointments fall through.. but we were able to go home teaching with the Elders Quorum President which was awesome. We stopped by a Potential investigator named Morris that we were able to sit down with and teach him the restoration. He's an older guy that is truly trying to find happiness and peace in his life and he believes that our message and Christ can help him find happiness so it was great. He was asking a lot of questions and could honestly use the gospel in his life. We're excited to work with him in the future. 

So yea, it was a good week. We had lots of appointments drop but we were still able to get a lot of good work done. Anyways hope you all have a good one!

Elder Stevens.

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