Sunday, September 25, 2016

Transfer 14 Week 2

This was yet another event filled week.

Monday was of course Pday, we did the usual, which consists of emailing, then going to play sports with the Zone at the church building. It was fun as always. That evening we were able to see an inactive member named Caleb. He works on his aunts farm and he came out and gave us a huge bag of corn and potatoes. Super nice of him. 

Tuesday morning we had a nice lesson with this lady named Jo. She requested a Bible, so we were able to deliver that to her and we also shared the Restoration and the Book of Mormon with her. It went really well. We then went to another lesson with this lady that also requested a bible. We did the same thing with her. However she lives out of our area so we had to hand her over to some other elders. We had a nice dinner with the Diefenbachs and then finished off the day seeing Janice williams with Brother Diefenbach. We talked about Family History and B. Diefenbach was perfect for that topic. He was able to talk and testify so strongly on the subject. So much that he actually talked for 45 minutes straight about it and practically stole the lesson from us.. Its okay though. Janice is solid and it was really good for her.. hah

Wednesday we had an awesome lesson with Brother and Sister Courson. Sister Courson has her appointment scheduled to get a Patriarchal blessing and is on her way to get her endowments. Were super happy to be helping her do this. We also had a really good lesson with Nikia and Nikel with Brother Young. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ and were able to testify super strong to her about the importance of Priesthood Power. It went well. We finished off the day with a super good dinner with the Mackay family. They're awesome. 

On Thursday we had a Mission tour with Elder Ringwood and Elder Courdon of the 70. They spoke to us for most of the day. It was a super good meeting. We talked a lot about Faith and looking at people and investigators at who they could become, rather than where they are now. We also had a Q&A with them and discussed Moroni 7 for a while. It was awesome. Later that day we saw Mark and read the Book of Mormon with him. Then finished off the day with a nice dinner with Bishop Chaplin and his family.

Friday we met with Chivarlo for the second time. We watched the Restoration video with her, however she didn't have a DVD player, so we had to stream the video from her phone and watch it there. However her connection wasn't very good so the video had to keep buffering and right as Joseph was walking into the forest to pray (the best part) it cut off and we weren't able to finish the video.... So we just spoiled the ending for her and shared the first vision again. But it was all good though. The spirit was still there and we were able to set a date for her to be baptized on the 8th of October! Were excited for her. Later, we helped out at the Widmans like normal and then saw Janice again and read the Doctrine and Covenants with her. We had lots of good discussion and it went great. 

So on Saturday we got an unexpected call from the Assistants, they said that the had some bad news for us and to put the phone on speaker. They said that there was an Elder up in Escanaba Michigan that was going home early and that I would have to have my bags packed by Sunday night to go replace him. Sooo, I'm being ETed to Escanaba.. We went throughout the rest of our day as planned but i had to start packing that night. 

Sunday, we went to church as normal, saw the Tracers and then had to be at the mission home at 5 to pick up Elder Hill (my new companion) who had just driven down from Escanaba to drop off his companion who was going home early. We then picked up Elder Smith (who will be replacing me here in Milwaukee) and then went through with the rest of our day. However for the Dinner appointment and the lesson we had after dinner, Elder Smith went to, since we couldn't have 4 missionaries at those events and he was replacing me anyways. So last night I had to finish up packing while the 4 of us stayed at our apartment.

So today, Monday, were emailing in Milwaukee and then after we email, Elder Hill and I have a 4 and a half hour drive up to Escanaba Michigan. This will be the most North I've been on my mission, ill also be in another time zone than the whole rest of the mission. Ill be back to Eastern standard time, and my new address is: 806 S 16th St #1 Escanaba Michigan 49829. So yea! I'm pretty excited, even though I'm getting cut super short in Milwaukee.. These things happen though. It'll be great.

So yea, Hope you all had and have a good week! 

Elder Stevens

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