Most of this week our messages have been towards this Mormon
message called I'll go where you want me to go. Its about providing service when
opportunities arise. I like this quote that goes something like: Always preach
the gospel and sometimes use words. We were able to share this experience how
God placed this opportunity in front of us and we were able to serve and bless
this guys life along with our message this week.
Because of the Snowfall, lots of Tuesday was spent shoveling
various peoples driveways and what not. Wednesday and Thursday was spent in Mt.
Horeb as I was on exchanges with Elder Anderson. We had a lot of fun and was
able to talk to a lot of really nice people.
The Richland Center Elders had a baptism this past Saturday,
that since they don't have a baptismal font in their building they had to come
and use our buildings font. We were able to set up the room and fill up the
font for them as they had to drive an hour to get there. It was a great
Last night the bishopric held a youth fireside that we were
invited to attend. The fireside was about Decisions that you make in life and
how they affect your life. It was really great to sit in and discuss with them
all about our different decisions and why you should choose the right.
Anyways, it was a pretty good week. Hope you all have
a good one!
Elder Stevens.
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