Monday, February 15, 2016

Transfer 9 Week 5

This was a slower week, but still good.

Transfers are on Wednesday the 24th, ill most likely be leaving Baraboo but we we will know for sure net week. I've been in Baraboo for 6 months (my longest area yet) It'll be sad to leave but I'm ready. :)

On Tuesday we had a really good Zone Training Meeting where they talked a lot about Diligent Planning to make our areas more effective. I remember when I was serving with Elder Webster, he would say that the most missionary work gets done in planning and I saw that for sure. Elder Tunstall and I have been trying to apply what we've learned. 

On Wednesday we were able to help out with the cub scouts which was pretty exciting. It was ridiculous how hard it was to get those kids to pay attention. We were learning about static electricity and doing little science experiments with them. It involved balloons and they just ended up whacking each other with the balloons like half of the time.

On Thursday we had a Family History Workshop where a bunch of members got together in the church building to do Family History. We were able to talk with some less actives that came and we helped everyone with working the computers and The Family History Workshop is going to be a monthly thing now so it could be a very good thing to bring investigators to in the future. We were able to make it out to Portage this week. We aren't able to make it to that town very often so it was great to be able to go and get back in contact with some people.

We also had a great family home evening with the Gilletts. We talked about overcoming trials and then played some jenga! It was really good. They came to church yesterday as well which is great. 

Anyways. Everything's still good, I'm excited to maybe get a new area in the upcoming week. I love and miss you all! Take care!

Elder Stevens.

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