Monday, April 20, 2015

Transfer 2, Week 4

This week was pretty interesting.. :)

We've been going to Wednesday night activities for the past couple of weeks because the ward would like us to for some reason. This week we were with the Teachers. The teachers in this ward are sooo smart.. its kinda scary how smart they all are..

Anyways, this week they had a "Missionary Ramen Noodle Cook Off" So we all got one packet of ramen and we had to use anything we could find in the kitchen to make it. They had judges, and there were 3 categories that were being judged. Taste, Presentation, and Creativity. Welp, long story short, Elder Santos and I ended up winning the Taste category. (the only category that really matters..) Which was pretty crazy. We were so surprised.. it was pretty funny. I guess were good missionaries after all..

This week we ran into some reallyy nice people. We ran out of paper plates in our apartment so we ran over to the gas station to grab some real quick. And the plates were really expensive so we ended up deciding not to get them. As we were leaving this random lady came up to us and offered to buy us what we needed. We thanked her for the offer but declined. She insisted.. She wouldn't take no for an answer.. so we ended up getting 2 large bags of chips, the paper plates and some fruit from this random lady.. We felt bad because we had no idea who this lady was and she spent $16 dollars on us.. oh well. Thank you who ever you are!

The next day we were out tracting.. The very first door we knocked on, a lady opened the door really quick and said to hold on, she had brownies in the oven, so she shut the door before we could say anything and she came back out with some brownies. She gave us a brownie each and then said that we would need some liquid to help wash the brownies down. Before we could say anything again, she was back inside. She came out juggling some cups, water, and milk. She poured us a glass of water then headed back inside. This next time she came out with a ball of cash and stuffed it into Elder Santos pocket. She asked us if we had been to a Salvators Pizza that was in town. We said no and she said, "welp! You're going there tonight! Do you need a ride?! My daughter works there! She looks like Emma Stone and you need to tell her I sent you.." and all this stuff. Then she started talking about how she loves Mormons and she used to have LDS friends in Kentucky when she lived there and how they were the nicest people she's ever met and all this stuff. We hadn't even said anything yet and we already knew this ladies life story!

Long story short, were going to go back this week and help her with some yard work. And we ended up going to the Pizza place because she wouldn't take the cash back.. As soon as we got there, her daughter ran up to us and told us her mom had called saying we were coming. She was super excited to seat us and have us there. It was pretty crazy! Some super nice people! We didn't know how to thank her!

I guess if you run into too many nice people in one week, you have to run into some not too nice people as well.. We ran into an Anti Mormon when we were tracting and that wasn't very fun.. He was cussing us out and trying to put us down. I personally thought it was kinda funny because everything he said didn't make any sense and he wouldn't even let us talk back.. It was a good faith builder! I tried to shake the guys hand but he refused.. lollllll

We also got to help build part of the Millers driveway on Saturday. I got to ride in Brother Millers tractor with him while he went and drove to his farm to haul some dirt to the driveway. That was pretty fun. Dont think I've ever done that before..

Welp all in all it was a great week. Erik has his baptismal interview on Wednesday and the baptism is on Saturday! Hope that is able to go through!

Love you all!

Elder Stevens

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