Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Week 7

Soo this weeek, hmm

One of our investigators that used to be the Sister Missionaries investigator but got handed over to us is getting baptized on the 11th of April. He's had a baptismal date for months but they've had to keep moving him farther and farther back, but in these last few weeks, with us teaching him. He has progressed really far and its crazy. Its hard to explain it all but he said he knows everything is true but he still has doubts. He told us on Thursday that he knows he needs to take a leap of faith and so he is finally gonna get baptized this next Saturday. Pretty cool.

We had a pretty scary experience on Saturday. We were out tracting, and we knocked on this guys door. I introduced us and said who we were and what we were doing (the normal tracting approach) and then the guy said, "Its cold out side, please come in." So we stepped inside and he offered us water and fruit and invited us to come sit down. This was weird because we didn't know this guy, and he was acting very strange, while being overly nice about everything. So we took some water and sat down at his dinner table. For the next hour this guy spoke to us about how he sees angels, he can talk to birds, how he's seen people disappear, and reappear, and just all sorts of crazy things. Then he says people call him crazy and his therapists call him crazy but he's not because all that stuff is in the bible. He starts saying how everything that isn't Vegan is of Satan, and has all these devilish theories about everything and he tries proving them through math problems and it was all just insane. Elder Santos and I were scared for our lives because when we stepped inside, he locked the door with 3 bolts and then he just sat there talking to us for an hour. You could feel an evil presence in his house. It was crazy.

But yea, we finally got out of there and he didn't try to keep us but we thought we were being kidnapped or something in the moment.. We found out later, in our area book that missionaries had knocked on his door before and they had a big description about him and how you should never go back and to stay away. So yea. Pretty funny.

Anyways, that's about it for this week. Same old same old. Everything's good. :)

Love you all,

Elder Stevens

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