Sunday, July 26, 2015

Transfer 4 Week 5

Hmm This week was pretty interesting. And just a fore warning, I don't have much time left on the computer so i might have to rush a little..

Last  Sunday Night (a week ago) there was a huge storm that we got hit by, I NEVER wake up to storms and neither does my companion, but we both awoke that night around 3 in the morning to the tornado warning siren that small towns have. We woke up and just nudged it off and went back to sleep, I also had to shut the window because it was raining through the screen door and hitting my bed but that's not important..

Then we woke up this morning and everything seemed to be fine. It was just a bad rain storm it seemed like and so we had our normal Monday activities, and went down to Sun Prairie to play sports with other missionaries. On the way back home, for some odd reason, my GPS took us through a town in between Sun Prairie and Beaver Dam called Columbus. Normally my GPS just keeps us on the highway, but this time it had us go through town. We drove through Columbus and they got hit prettyyy hard by the storm. There were trees down EVERYWHERE, blocking most the roads and miraculously missing many houses. By the time we got there, the roads were semi cleared up but it was still a disaster.

We decided to stop and talk to a couple people who were crowded around this Huge tree about 5-6 feet in diameter that had just split in half, and amazingly just missed the house on both sides. Long story short, we said we could come back the next day and help out. Tuesday we spent a good majority of the day raking, carrying logs to trucks, and all sorts of stuff. The people there were soo thankful and they all wanted to pay us but we refused. They paid us in chocolate which was fine by me..

On Wednesday we attended a Lutheran Service that a guy named Merlin wanted us to come to. It was very interesting, and quite exciting. He took us to dairy queen for a blizzard afterwards which was nice. We know the Pastor that runs the services and they were all very nice and open to us attending.
Throughout the week we did more service in Columbus including helping out some members clean up their yards and haul it off. It was pretty crazy, the destruction from just a wind storm. I mean, they said the winds got up to 100 mph.. so yea. Pretty crazy actually.

The work is going along well, lots of great opportunities are arising and everything is going great. This is the last full week before transfers and then we'll see what happens! I know I'm staying in beaver dam at least for another 6 weeks, because Elder Websters going home next week!

Sorry I can't write more about the week but honestly no time! Love you all!

Elder Stevens.

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